I added the grass in after I drew the whole animation, and had to redraw it every frame. Somehow it ended up giving a nice rythm along with the drum banging?
He'd probably not be that enthused about bumping around in a cart nowadays. Also back then I had no idea how to make skies look bright, other than go for the most neon cyan I could find!
A valiant first effort at flying. Well, animating a bird flying. Poor guy can't even move his wings any lower than that! At least he's got himself a worm (another thing he'd probably not want to chow down on these days...).
I think I made this with a spongebob animation in mind, where he was just walking on a road looping hilly road, doing all kinds of weird animations. Hamlet on the other hand's barely moving! The only thing moving are his f... Oh god are those multiple toes on his feet, instead of ambiguous slipper-looking things? That's just weird.
Some of these look like they were made for an early 90s blog. I can just picture a sleeping hamlet flanked by two "Under Construction" images. But seriously, this little gif is fine, everything works just as it should, even some of the stars twinkle! Also I think I remember using the text tool to make every single ‘Z’, for each frame. I really could've just drawn them, honestly! Oh well, 20/20 hindsight.
Now this sad little one is In Memoriam (that's ‘In Memory’, for all you non-tombstone-afficionados) of another animation, Crow Story, that I think got destroyed by... I dunno a goblin got in the computer maybe? It was a long long time ago ok. Also there's still a version of Crow Story I've got lying around that, honestly, seems to be exactly what I had in mind when I made it at the time... Not sure why eight year old me thought there was a great loss... Maybe I lost about 8 frames of animation looped over and over, and it broke my little heart. Wouldn't surprise me! Neither does writing "unown" on the tombstone.